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Nominations Open for 2023-2024 Board of Directors

ITechLaw Board of Directors Call for Nominations

The International Technology Law Association is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for its Board of Directors.

Nominate a fellow ITechLaw member or submit a self-nomination for consideration. To do so, fill out this form. In the form, you will be asked to provide a short biography and explanation of why you believe your nomination should be elected to the Board.

All nominations must be submitted prior to 15 December 2023. Submit Today!

Members of the Board of Directors are responsible for the discharge of several important obligations. Those obligations are detailed in the document ITechLaw Association Board of Directors Responsibilities. Nominated members must agree to be active in support of the Association and its work.

The Nominating Committee will evaluate all nominees and recommend members for election to the Board. The final list of nominees will be sent to all ITechLaw members for an electronic vote in March 2023. For those elected to the Board of Directors, the first duty is to attend the Board of Directors meeting in Washington DC immediately before the 2024 World Technology Law Conference.