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2018 CyberSpaceCamp® Highlights

This year marks the 4th in a row in which we have visited more than 8 Latin American countries, including Cuba, for the CyberSpaceCamp Program! 

From August 24 to 31, 2018, ITechLaw hosted 4 successful CyberSpaceCamp programs in Antofagasta (Chile), Mexico City (Mexico), San José (Costa Rica), and Montevideo (Uruguay). This program is a platform for experienced lawyers from across the world to interact with young lawyers and share their insight and in-depth view on the implications of technology law and practice as it has developed in their respective jurisdictions, with a very practical and participative approach. 

The events were organized by the Latin America Committee led by Board Member Diego Fernandez and committee members Rodrigo Alessandri, Oscar Montezuma, and Paulo Brancher.

We extend our thanks to local hosts Alessandri and Universidad Católica del Norte in Chile; Olivares, Rodriguez Rueda and Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico; Dentons Muñoz and Universidad Latina in Costa Rica; Ferrere and ORT in Uruguay; and the general coordination of Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal, all of which contributed to the success of the camps.

We hosted more than 450 attendees! The topics covered included everything from FinTech and InsurTech, two very hot topics in the region, to more traditional subjects such as ISPs liability, e-commerce, and digital signature. Additionally, artificial intelligence was discussed, and specifically its application to the provision of legal services, big data activities, and its regulatory framework, collaborative economy, and the importance of technology in due diligence processes.

But with no doubt, the topic that generated more interest in the audience was personal data protection and privacy as the region is going through a transitional period. For example, Brazil has recently issued its first Data Protection Law (following GDPR), and Argentina and Chile are revisiting theirs, being most countries inspired by European legislation. To view a comparison of Latin America Data Protection laws, view the 2018 survey completed by the committee.

Read a summary from LexLatin, view event photos and watch for updates on the 2019 dates and locations.