What Leaders in the Field are Reading, November 2017
What are the top Technology Lawyers reading this month? See below for what the ITechLaw Board of Directors are reading about recent developments in technology law. Follow ITechLaw on Twitter @itechlaw_assn for additional articles and information.
Kevin Erdman, Brannon, Sowers & Cracraft PC, United States: Secrets Revealed: FISA court grants ACLU limited access to decisions
Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown JSM, Hong Kong: Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong releases new guideline to reduce hacking risks associated with internet trading
Laura Ligouri, Portolano Cavallo, Italy: Italian Parliament approves new law on #whistleblowing #dataprotection #privacy #employment (ITA)
Charles Morgan, McCarthy Tetrault LLP, Canada: Why Montreal Has Emerged As An Artificial Intelligence Powerhouse